VALEO Customers METHODES ET OUTILS Uniformiser les méthodes et outils de 4 Business Units représentant 100 centres de R&D et près de 13 000 utilisateurs autour de méthodologies communes et d’un unique outil groupe FUSION DES SYSTEMES Fusionner les 10 systèmes PLM...
The first step of the SeaTC project successfully completed!
The SeaTC consortium, laureate of the Marine Technologies Bricks AMI launched by ADEME in 2014 and coordinated by M Prime Innovation, has successfully completed the first development milestone for its contactless submarine connector. The SeaTC is an innovative...
Operational consultancy in System Management and Engineering on behalf of project managers CIGEO (Industrial Center for Geological Storage in the Meuse)
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT CONSULTING & PROJECTS Realization and optimization I & C – Operation & Process Controls integrating safety / criticality As part of improving Melox’s plant productivity the group wishes to support the continuing progress in...
Support Project AREVA EPR Finland OL3
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT CONSULTING & PROJECTS Project Management & Performance Management In the early 2000s, Finland wanted to launch the construction of a new nuclear plant. After a tender, Finland opts for the construction of a European Pressurized Reactor (EPR)...
Realization and optimization I & C – Operation & Process Controls integrating safety / criticality
ADVICE IN MANAGEMENT & PERFORMANCE PROJECTS Project Management and Performance Management As part of improving the productivity of the Melox plant, the group wishes to support continuous progress in optimizing the general management of the facilities and the control...